To our ball hockey families,
I first and foremost hope you and your families are staying safe and healthy during these unprecedented times. I’m sure everyone has questions on when we can resume sports activities especially our beloved ball hockey. We are aware of the governor’s request to begin to slowly open up regions and are closely monitoring this along with our own individual municipalities. There’s still so much unknown around the rules around the reopening and what restrictions will still be in place to not only hold practices, but to begin close social activity. Even with the governor’s shift to reopen parts of our area, its still requires us to follow the rules of each municipality and continue 6 feet of social distancing which is required per CDC guidelines. This of course makes ball hockey very difficult to manage like most sports.
With this said, we will be holding a zoom conference call (scheduled shortly) with each member rep, from each DEK. I would ask for you to speak to your own individual rep in regards to questions or concerns you have, and we’ll do our best to answer all of these and send one recap to all members’ organizations. I know this is a hard time for everyone and we realize mostly how much it pains us not to be on the DEK with your kids each day, but we must do what’s best to keep everyone safe. Our #1 priority is to follow the guidelines we’re given so we can in fact get back to our normal lives and back to DEK hockey. Again, we will be back in contact once we hold our meeting and will update everyone on our discussions.
Ryan Rose
President PACT
President Riverview Dek hockey
USA. Hockey level 4 coach
Team USA U16 world ball hockey assistant coach
Team Pennsylvania U12 ball hockey assistant coach
U10 and U12 Riverview Raptor Head Coach
Riverview Raptor Head of Coaches